Having been fired by the House Select Committee on Benghazi, Podliska, a self-described Republican, says he was pressured into engaging in partisan bullying against Clinton.
Colorado, which ranks No. 37 among the states for foreclosures, had a 17 percent decrease in the number of foreclosure filings from the second quarter of 2015 and is down 15 percent from the same time past year.
Politico reported recently that billionaire Sheldon Adelson may be on the verge of endorsing Rubio and committing his considerable wealth to backing the Florida senator’s campaign. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., speaks during an event in Las Vegas Friday. Marco Rubio raised the...
After Comcast failed to block a municipal fiber broadband network, the city of Chattanooga, Tennessee, via EFB Fiber Optics, will offer what it bills as the fastest home Internet connection speed in the world. The 10 Gig residential service is available everywhere in EPB’s...
The results show more than 44 percent of juniors met or exceeded English and language arts expectations while less than 27 percent of freshman scored at the same level. Thus, a wide array of students from grades 8 through 11 took varying levels of math PARCC exams.
While many media outlets and political shapers awarded the victory to the former first lady, Sanders’ performance at Tuesday night’s debate drew large praise and attention from viewers and social media users. Bernie Sanders, former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley,...
A 17-year-old Jackson High Student prompted a lock down at the school Thursday morning after he assaulted someone with an airsoft pistol and then brought the weapon onto school grounds, according to police.
The only item that remained on the menu prior to last week’s ban was pork roast. Ross didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment, but he told the Post that the presence of Muslim prisoners was not a motivating factor for the temporary disappearance of pork...