ESPN, as Rivlin-Nadler notes, has a long history of being caught between its role as a news agency and its role as a network in the business of buying the rights to sporting events and using them to extract huge carriage fees from cable companies, and hasn’t always done the...
In iOS 9, Apple introduced a new feature called WiFi Assist. Now, if you’re curious as to why that was happening, Apple’s released a support doc describing exactly how the feature works.
Two of the women were waiting for a cab outside Motivo nightclub on E. 21st Street exit near Fifth Avenue just after 4 a.m. when the gunman squeezed off at least eight shots and sped off in a dark-colored BMW, family and police sources said, according to the New York Post.
The redesigned preliminary SAT that debuts today won’t feature the infamous verbal section that made student rack their brains for the definition of words like spurious, recalcitrant, panacea or malediction.
The former Arkansas governor has spent 35 days in Iowa since January. Fellow GOP presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee tweeted what he seemingly meant to be a joke about Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders – but not everyone thought it was amusing.
In the preseason predicted order of finish, Villanova was picked to finish third, while senior guard Caroline Coyer (Oak Hill, Va.) was a unanimous preseason All-Big East selection.
Police say former Texas A&M wide receiver Thomas Johnson has admitted to randomly attacking and killing a man on a Dallas jogging trail. Police also said that Johnson admitted to the crime and even called them from a nearby area after the stabbing. He allegedly hacked a...
Now, with only a few remaining to come from the Super Smash Bros. line, we have gotten news of a group of new retailer exclusives, which also include the first exclusive restocks for a previously non-exclusive amiibo. The new shipments will be in next month – November 8th.
“Halloween is this one evening of the year that your kids are out there, it’s dark and strangers are handing them candy, possibly allergens”. Even if you don’t, many kids have them and now Wegmans is doing what it can to make this Halloween safe for those...
Gov. Charlie Baker, a Republican, and Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, a Democrat, both testified in support of allowing more charter schools to open in low-performing school districts.