The aunt of a 12-year-old boy is suing her nephew for £84,000 after he jumped into her arms accidentally breaking her wrist as she cuddled him at his birthday party.
CBS Corporation (NYSE:CBS) moved -1.66% down during prior trade and closed at the price of $43.13, after opening at $43.73. Morgan Stanley’s price target indicates a potential upside of 1.60% from the stock’s previous close. The shares have underperformed the S&P...
Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz said Sunday that the party would welcome Biden into the presidential race he made a decision to jump in.
But with the arrests having occurred amid ongoing talks concerning the possible imposition of sanctions against China as a result of wave of cyberattacks, the White House is now waiting to see if authorities will move forward with prosecuting the supposed criminals or let their...
In a statement the clergy said, “As faith leaders committed to justice, honesty, and liberty, we are troubled by the decades-long campaign of harassment against Planned Parenthood and those they serve”. And thanks to its 100-year history, the non-profit is a household...
Now, the president has interviewed author Marilynne Robinson for the * a href=”*” target=”_blank” *NY Review of Books.
Sean Michael Angold, 24, Morrison Haze Lampley, 23, and Lila Scott Allgood, 18, are charged with murder under special circumstances, which could carry the death penalty or life in prison.
Much of the week will be spent under mostly sunny skies with above normal high temperatures. A break in the clouds arrives this evening around sunset, but it will be brief as more clouds come tonight. The overwhelming majority of us won’t see any rain at all today.
In many cities, Columbus Day is a celebration of Italian-American heritage, not just Columbus, so it’s no surprise that Italian-Americans are among the most vocal opponents of the shifting focus.