The Gators have lost the last two games in the series and ended up watching the Tigers win the SEC’s Eastern Division both years and advance to play in the championship game in Atlanta. “We didn’t play great”. Lock will get his second collegiate start and...
An Indianapolis woman is being hailed for her quick presence of mind and bravery after she single-handedly managed to fight an intruder and kept him subdued till help arrived.
Now, this Kansas team is so bad that even Baylor’s eggs will win easily, but I’m not buying into the idea that they’ll be up 70-0 at the half or anything. Quarterback Seth Russell leads the country in pass efficiency.
The shooting occurred in the parking lot of a Burger King on Central Avenue in Yonkers, New York Witnesses have informed police that Nolan was standing by his auto with a few friends when a vehicle came by and fired several shots.
A New York City newspaper blogger assailed UCLA on Friday for investigating a Kanye West-themed fraternity and sorority party where students showed up in blackface, saying the university should be defending free speech instead of policing the campus for political correctness.
Last week a book came out called “Breaking Cardinal Rules: Basketball and the Escort Queen” that sheds light on a few recruiting violations made back in 2013 involving paid escorts being used to help convince recruits to come to the school. The foundation does...
President Obama’s visit to the state to meet with families of the victims, nine of whom were killed, nine of whom were wounded, at Umpqua Community College a week earlier, was marred by demonstrators who apparently thought the president was there for their guns.