Elected officials have a responsibility to the American public to ensure the integrity of taxpayer-funded programs. It’s just plain rude. Controversial?
It’s not likely he’ll go along with any stopgap bill unless “we have a general agreement on what the budget looks like and it’s going to take some time to actually get the details in place”, Wolf told Pittsburgh radio station KDKA-AM.
The unemployment barometer would continue to worsen, peaking at 10.5 percent in October 2009 – and languishing in that vicinity until December 2010 – before starting a snail’s pace trend downward. It is down from 6 % in Jul. He stated the speed dropped as...
In the beginning of the second Republican debate hosted by CNN and Salem Media, the 2016 GOP field was asked if they trusted the current frontrunner, Donald Trump, with nuclear weapons. Instead of overhauling his anti-union message, which poses clear risks to a candidate...
However, since all spending bills must originate in the Republican-controlled House, Congressmen could introduce bills that allocate no funds for Planned Parenthood and force Democrats to try to amend the bills.
Jose Daniel Ferrer, another leading dissident, said he was not expecting any sea changes, but is “hopeful that the pope will demand more democracy and respect for human rights from the government, even if he does it in private”.
The Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals on Thursday upheld a lower court’s order that the Affordable Care Act’s contraceptive mandate substantially burdened the two schools’ exercise of religion.
Remember Mishka, the sea otter who was 6-months-old when she moved from the Alaska SeaLife Center in Seward to Seattle Aquarium? She tucks food into the mouthpiece of the inhaler, so that the otter will open her mouth and breathe in. Sea otters went extinct in Washington and 40...
Investigators believe it is linked to a shooting on I-25 that injured a woman, Cori Romero, while she was driving in late April. That person was not injured. Still, it remains unclear how much closer investigators are to making an arrest and closing the cases.
The Buckeyes, the first unanimous preseason No. 1 team in college football, get a chance to exact revenge in what promises to be a raucous Blacksburg, Virginia.