“People are struggling to deal with the autumn in at the moment’s markets pushed partially by China’s slowing financial system and the truth that they actively manipulate their financial system”, Walker stated in a press release. In 2013, Brazil’s...
Australian and New Zealand firefighters have arrived in the United States and on Monday prepared to fan out to help fight wildfires burning in several western states. On arrival in Los Angeles they will transfer to the National Interagency Fire Centre (NIFC) in Boise, Idaho, for...
While the massive wildfires in Washington State continue to burn and smoke fills the southern half of our province, there is not any increased concern of those fires crossing the border.
“I wouldn’t rule out the possibility of an endorsement”, Earnest told reporters at a White House briefing, after he was asked if Obama would express his preference in the race.
Of course one wonders how a man who believes that Planned Parenthood, a group that sells baby parts like toys and teaches sexual deviancy to minors, will keep the abortion rate low is qualified to accuse anyone of “madness”. It’s unconscionable. Mr. Schaefer is...
But, astounding though they were, these feats were all mere prelude – for, terrifyingly, Cespedes had accomplished them without ever having set foot in Coors Field, which has a habit of giving fly balls a nice, warm hug.
The Resorts World Casino bus smashed into the corner of the property at Woodhaven Boulevard in Rego Park, Queens about 2pm Monday (4am Tuesday AEST), NBC New York reported.
Ohio State continues to earn preseason reward, this time for securing the highest spot within the first Related Press prime 25 ballot of the season Sunday. But this isn’t the BCS era anymore, and the AP has long been out of the national title picture.
Colorado cinema gunman James Holmes is destined for the “darkest, most painful part of hell”, a sobbing victim has testified at the start of his formal sentencing. A jury of nine women and three men could not agree on whether Holmes should be sentenced to death or...