After the online site released one of Donald Trump’s cellphone numbers, the GOP presidential candidate changed his voicemail Tuesday morning. On Trump’s socialist approach to healthcare and his indifference to the issue of unalienable right with respect to marriage,...
In a scene that was reminiscent of the Academy awards or college basketball’s March Madness bracketology, Fox News on Tuesday night unveiled the top 10 Republican presidential candidates who were invited to take part in the first national debate of the 2016 campaign season.
A decision is expected in September; aides had eyed Labor Day as the optimal time but don’t rule out that it could stretch later. Biden will also be involved in preparations for visits by Pope Francis and Chinese President Xi Jinping.
Most other Republicans running for president have been quick to criticize the front runner, but former half term governor of Alaska Sarah Palin continues to defend Trump, and did so on the August 5 edition of “The Palin Update” on Mama Grizzly Radio. “It...
Metro Detroit is home to many mosques, especially in the Dearborn area. Lindsey Graham, but neither held on for more than about 20 minutes. We need to tear down cyber walls on a targeted basis. When they made no sense, she argued her points coherently.
– Backed by the National Rifle Association, the Senate’s No. 2 Republican leader introduced legislation Wednesday that would reward states for sending more information about residents with serious mental problems to the federal background check system for firearms...
The decision from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit pertained to one of a series of laws enacted in Republican-governed states requiring potential voters to show identification that Democrats saw as intended to disenfranchise minorities who typically support their party.
“It’s not about capacity, it all depends on trade between East and West, growth in the world economy, especially in Europe, and how the (authority) handles its fees”, said Xu Zhibin, managing director for the Egyptian affiliate of China’s state-owned...
On August 6, 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed into law the Voting Rights Act, which has been called the single most effective civil rights law ever passed by Congress.
“I submit that there’s possible trigger to consider that Scott Walker … dedicated a felony, i.e., Misconduct in Public Workplace”, Robert Stelter, an investigator within the Milwaukee County district lawyer’s workplace, wrote in a September 2011...