Accusations of chemical attacks have been a fixture of the Syrian conflict with both the government and rebels blaming the other during the past five years.
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Tuesday accused the Clinton foundation of failing to live up to promises it made to help redevelop Haiti after the massive 2010 quake devastated the country. And they followed a round of polls for Clinton suggesting that the...
As the G20 Summit in China concludes, which represented a first for hosts China, and also the first gathering of world leaders after the European Union referendum outcome in June and before the Presidential Election in the United States this November, let’s take a brief...
In connection with a network of computer hackers that allegedly targeted CIA Director John Brennan and other senior government officials, two North Carolina men have been both arrested and charged with the crime.
Morton County Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman Donnell Preskey said four private security guards and two guard dogs were injured after several hundred protesters confronted construction crews Saturday afternoon at the Dakota Access pipeline construction site.
“As of now, I’m expecting to be the only guy”, Kizer said after talking with Kelly on Wednesday. The 6-5, 230-pound junior knows he won’t be looking over his shoulder after sharing duties with Malik Zaire in the opener. It’s not where we wanted it to...
Like the candidates’ themselves, the campaigns are both rooted in NY, with Trump’s campaign headquartered in Trump Tower in Manhattan and Clinton’s campaign headquarters in Brooklyn. If Clinton’s supporters are more motivated and GOP voters who now say...
In a business breakfast hosted by CNN Money, the Seattle-based CEO said that expressing his support for Clinton is not “a flawless situation” but that Trump’s side demonstrated “such vitriolic display of bigotry and hate and divisiveness, and that is not...
Storm surges pushed by Hermine, the once and future hurricane that on Sunday was moving up the United States eastern seaboard, could be even more damaging because sea levels have risen by a foot due to global warming, climate scientists say. “And it’s only the...
Bill, who founded Clinton Foundation after he stepped down from the United States presidency to carry out charity and humanitarian work globally, is the head of the foundation.
The New Orleans Fire Department says two bodies have been found in the wreckage of a small plane that crashed into Lake Pontchartrain just north of the New Orleans Lakefront Airport.
Mrs Clinton is promoting a pathway to citizenship for numerous 11 million people living in the shadows, while Mr Trump wants to curtail immigration and require that those who wish to gain legalised status must leave the country first.