ITV presenter Holly Willoughby, who now fronts the new series of Blind Date – the dating show famously presented by Cilla in the 90s – also took to Twitter to honour her “hero”.
“What were the options?” Either Derek walks out on Meredith and leaves her high and dry and what’s that going to mean? At the ongoing TCA press event, ABC president Paul Lee talked about Dereks brutal exit and had nothing but positivity for Rhimes and her decision.
The BJP government is doing this to divert the attention of the people from its failure to effectively counter the threat of terrorism, to abuse and to use the parliamentary forum, to abuse and defame its opponents, particularly the Congress.
The world’s largest smartphone maker said net profit for the April-June period stood at 5.75 trillion won (USD 4.9 billion), down from 6.25 trillion won a year ago and slightly below analyst estimates. The Indian import/ export site, Zauba also provided insights on the...
The final DLC pack for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare arrives today, which means gamers are also getting the finale to the game’s story-driven co-op mode, Exo Zombies.
According to, a news release from an attorney representing Sandra Bland’s family says the suit will be filed against state trooper Brian Encinia “and others responsible for the death of Sandra Bland”.
From Software learned a lot from Bloodborne going into Dark Souls 3, as the monsters here have taken a darker turn, so expect stronger and faster foes. Ashen wastelands cover much of the land, the Dark and the dragons of old are returning, and the Lords of Cinder from previous...
“With the subtlety of a hand grenade, Malik explained that he originally left 1D “to show you who i really am!”, accompanied by the hashtag “#realmusic”. “#REALME“, Malik tweeted later to his 15.1 million followers.
On choosing to end the series here, Carnival’s Managing Director and Executive Producer of “Downton Abbey“, Gareth Neame said, “Millions of people around the world have followed the journey of the Crawley family and those who serve them for the last five...
Xiaomi has regained its top spot in the Chinese smartphone market in the second quarter of 2015, outselling Huawei and Apple, according to a Canalys market survey.