Alyvia Lind has been cast as a young Dolly Parton in “Coat of Many Colors“, NBC’s upcoming TV movie about the country legend’s humble beginnings and rise to success.
“Our City Health Office and the Department of Health are presently conducting an investigation to determine the cause of poisoning and source of the alleged durian and mangosteen sweets”.
Tyler then (hilariously) remarked at how huge Affleck’s Batman is, but Synder said the strength is for protection, since he’ll be “pummeled like a pinata” by Superman. And after it films this fall, Affleck may go on to a standalone Batman film, which he...
Arrow and Flash fans won’t have to wait long to see the latest entry in DC’s TV universe – though the newest hero to the lineup will be appearing in a different form. Lead characters from both “Arrow” and “The Flash” will lend their...
Via TVLine, we have news that Neal McDonough has been cast in the main villain role of Damien Darhk for Season 4 of The CW’s Arrow. So now he’s claiming credits as both Marvel and DC Comics characters. Towards the end of the season, mention was made of another DC...
“Harry Potter” star Daniel Radcliffe! The world imploded – or at least that’s what actress Maisie Williams predicted would take place once her Instagram selfie hit the internet.
The Lego game franchise is taking its second foray into the Marvel universe this winter with ‘Lego Marvel’s Avengers, ‘ and developer Traveller’s Tales is living up to its reputation of being able to cram tons of new characters into each of its games. That...