The Hateful Eight opens in the States on Christmas Day and in the United Kingdom on January 8th, with a cast that includes Tarantino alumni Samuel L. Jackson, Kurt Russell, Tim Roth, Michael Madsen, Bruce Dern, Walton Goggins, James Parks, Zoe Bell, Dana Gourrier, Keith...
Based on the plotlines of their more popular comic books, these films feature top-notch voice acting and a chance to see your favorite pages in motion.
Batman: Arkham Knight is now available for PS4 and Xbox One, with the Batgirl: A Matter of Family DLC coming Tuesday, July 14th for those with the season pass, and on July 21st as a standalone purchase. At this point, it’s anyone’s guess as to when Arkham Knight will...
On Thursday, the Doctor himself (Peter Capaldi) traveled through space and time to appear at the Doctor WhoComic-Con panel with his companion Clara (Jenna Coleman) and hounded by Missy, aka the Master (Michelle Gomez).
The Heaton-born judge has come under fire for her skinny figure but looked proud and happy as she wore a tiny black crop top to greet waiting fans. Auditions will continue in Manchester before moving to London next week.
Replied the director, “If I can’t shoot on film, we’ll see what happens”. They say, it’s not about comic books anymore; that’s BS. The director and his DP Robert Richardson (not present) have dusted off Ultra Panavision lenses (find a handy...
Kardashian called off her longtime relationship with Scott Disick after photos surfaced showing the father-of-three getting cozy with his ex-girlfriend, Chloe Bartoli, while Kylie Jenner’s beau, Tyga, got caught up in a sexting scandal.
Described not as a spinoff but as a companion series to the mother ship, “Fear the Walking Dead” looks at the dawn of the undead apocalypse, when terrible things were happening, but people didn’t yet understand just how terrible it was all going to get.
Ariana Grande is the latest star to embark on such a journey, apologizing profusely via written statement, social media and video confessional after her bad behavior was caught on camera.
It’s been almost four months since season five of The Walking Dead reached its dramatic conclusion: with the return of perennial fan favourite Morgan (played by Lennie James).