Nearly all the major players gathered at the screening for a live, 90-minute episode of “The Walking Dead” after show to say goodbye to two cast members – Steven Yeun, who played gold-hearted Glenn, and Michael Cudlitz, who played master of the one-liner Abraham.
A current Associated Press analysis of polling, demographic trends and other campaign data rates Virginia as solidly Democratic, while Colorado, New Hampshire and Pennsylvania are all leaning Democratic.
In another sequences, Dolores says to William, “The whole world is calling to me in a way it hasn’t before”. “Dissonance Theory” either proves that William is definitely the Man in Black or it proves that he definitely is not the Man in Black”....
IF PRESENT trends continue – and we emphasize “if” – Hillary Clinton will be elected president on November 8, in an ironic conclusion to a political year that supposedly belonged to outsiders and populists such as Donald Trump and Sen.
In a reversal of form from the morning session, championship leader Rosberg lapped almost three tenths quicker than F1 title rival Hamilton during their qualifying simulations on the super-soft Pirelli tyre.
Jennifer Palmieri, communications director for Clinton’s campaign, issued a statement viewed by Variety that commented, “We’re not surprised to see Donald Trump continue his destructive race to the bottom”.
Kourtney Kardashian has admitted her sister Kim Kardashian West is still “not doing great” during an awkward live TV interview. “It’s a choice. We told them years and years before, you have to make a camera, you have to put [in place] a security process,...
The first filmic installment of the adventures of the former military investigator created by novelist Lee Child rustled up a resounding “meh” at the box office in 2012, and I cannot imagine that anyone who saw it back then could recall a single detail about it today....
Cadmus turned episode 1’s failed assassin, John Corben, into Metallo, a man with a metal skeleton and a Kryptonite power source that he can use as a weapon.
It was a contrast to last Monday’s presidential debate when Hillary Clinton emerged the victor in the polls, following Donald Trump’s under-prepared performance. [Trump] also said, ‘and many of them are good people.’ Sen.
The Associated Press reports a Trump spokesperson says the Republican presidential nominee has a rally set for 7:00 p.m. next Monday in West Allis, at the state fairgrounds.