The state of OR may not be in a drought, but as Samantha Cortese reports, the lack of rain may have impacted our Christmas tree supply here in the desert, and throughout California.
It makes Adele the first person to notch two albums in the top ten since Prince’s simultaneous releases of Art Official Age and Plectrumelectrum in October of previous year.
Kim and Kanye shocked the world when they named their first child North, meaning her full name North West is two of the four most commonly used directions on a compass.
Mark Hamill has said that he will face a financial penalty if he reveals the ultimate Star Wars: The Force Awakens spoiler – where in a galaxy far, far away is Luke Skywalker?
“Schulz always said he felt like Charlie Brown was a kid you’d like to have as a next-door neighbor”, Mendelson adds. I hope everyone remembers to have some fun with it. After all, the joy of watching A Charlie Brown Christmas is watching it through the eyes of...
So far the spoilers in the trailers have been kept to an absolute minimum, with this new footage simply elevating excitement levels rather than giving anything away.
The perpetual hint of mumbling in his voice suits an ageing, lonely man and he acquits himself honourably as Rocky’s watchful, polite pessimism slowly clears as he works with Adonis. The film does this by introducing a new generation to the legend, as well as to a talented,...
In the original cut of A New Hope, the green-skinned bounty hunter taunts Han Solo after cornering him in the Mos Eisely cantina, which leads to the Corelian smuggler gunning him down and making his escape.
In order to avoid having a C-section, Kim Kardashian had a procedure called an ECV – an external cephalic version to manually turn her breech baby over the weekend.