The plot for was the best one yet for a “Wolverine” movie. That’s the only way a catastrophic event like the Westchester Incident can be prevented – the day when Charles accidently killed seven X-Men, and possibly more mutant students at his school for the...
“Logan” is possibly the last film in Marvel Cinemas with Hugh Jackman casting as Logan / Wolverine, and shockingly the movie ended with no post-credit scene. Often times in movie action sequences or other “physical” scenes an actor will go back into the...
Jason Chaffetz said people shouldn’t buy iPhones if they can’t afford healthcare, and he couldn’t be more wrong with his assumptions about poverty and healthcare access.
Anyway. Hair stylist to the stars Adir Abergel revealed his tricks to creating Emma’s princess-worthy red carpet hair, including using Leonor Greyl’s Baume Boise De Rose that not only sculpts hair but also makes it smell of roses.
The government argued that the prospect of a parliamentary veto on the final Brexit deal would undermine the prime minister in the negotiations with other European Union leaders.
But as of now, our favourite Logan has chose to hang up his boots, and we can not help watching the video when Hugh Jackman first auditioned for the role of Wolverine in the 2000 film X-Men.
The National Weather Service noted that the tornado may not have been continuous along its 8.1 mile path because the damage appeared to be intermittent.
Deadpool decides to intervene and help the man in trouble, racing for a phone booth with John Williams’ iconic Superman theme from Richard Donner’s classic film playing in the background. “Probably should have called 911 from the phone booth”, muses...
CNN also reports, “Conservatives have complained that the women’s health services organization does support research they oppose”, a statement that appears to paint the recent allegations of Planned Parenthood’s sale of aborted baby body parts for profit...
After a much-needed and impressive win on Sunday over the Minnesota Golden Gophers, the Wisconsin Badgers earned the No. 2 overall seed in the upcoming Big Ten Tournament, which is set to begin on Wednesday in Washington D.C. Michigan State moments earlier had drawn within 66-60...