Judge Mathew Emukule, of the Mombasa High Court, denied there was any right violated under the Kenyan constitution and global law and dismissed the case where 2 men sought a court ruling to stop forced anal examinations and HIV tests of men accused of being gay, after they had...
The Brexit debate took to the seas today as UKIP leader Nigel Farage squared up to Irish charity campaigner Sir Bob Geldof in a freakish stand-off on the River Thames in London.
The governement led by non-partisan PM Tihomir Oreskovic fell on Thursday after parliament adopted a no-confidence motion with 125 votes against 15 and two abstentions.
Donald Trump has faced a good deal of controversy from both his partisan opposition and his self-proclaimed ideological peers over the course of his presidential campaign.
Supplies outpaced consumption by 800,000 barrels a day in the first half of this year, the agency said, having estimated that difference at 1.3 million a day in last month’s report. This represents a 46% decline from the $753 billion earned in 2014, mainly as a result of a...
“Thus it is fitting that the country’s leadership stop scaring the citizenry and stop giving them the feeling that we are standing before a second Holocaust”.
Meanwhile, the ONS revealed that the overall unemployment rate fell to 5.0%, down 0.1 points to the lowest level since the three months to October 2005.
News of the deal came from Iran’s minister of roads and urban development, Abbas Akhoundi, who was quoted by Iranian news agencies on Tuesday as saying that an agreement with Boeing had been completed. Its civil aviation fleet has 140 aircraft, with an average age of around...