There was more help wanted in December. “Workers see the labor market as strong enough that they can quit their job in search of a new and, presumably, better paying one”.
Sales of lightsabers and action figures associated with Disney’s “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” were so brisk that the toy maker reported record revenue in 2015 and beat analyst estimates for the fourth quarter, ended December 27.
Japan’s deposit-takers understand that if depositors are confronted with zero, or worse, negative nominal rates, cash can easily be withdrawn from the banks and either spent or invested in better yielding instruments, both of which would appeal to Japan’s...
Cognizant had forecast its revenues for the fourth quarter to be at least United States dollars 3.23 billion and USD 12.41 billion for 2015 (higher by at least 21 per cent year-on-year).
“Thank God we didn’t have more injuries and lose more people”, de Blasio said. The nearby New York Law School evacuated its campus and canceled classes until Monday.
In the USA, news that the economy barely grew in the final three months of 2015 prompted speculation that its central bank would rein in plans to raise interest rates this year, having tightened borrowing costs for the first time in nearly a decade in December.
The sanctions ban its work in nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, blacklist a number of individuals and entities and bar the country’s leadership from importing luxury goods.