The Dow Jones industrial average closed down 4.2 per cent, to close at 23,860, on Friday morning New Zealand time, as investors continued to react to fears that interest rates may be on the rise.
Stock markets around the world took a battering yesterday, following a dramatic sell-off on Wall Street that triggered concerns that a potentially healthy pullback from record highs could turn into a protracted bear market.
Strong prospects of the Fed hiking interest rates in the next month has led to a spike in United States bond yields, which touched 2.89%, highest level in almost four years.
The cryptocurrency’s Moving Average Convergence Divergence indicator, the most profitable of 22 trading signals tracked by Bloomberg over the past year, flagged further downside after turning bearish in December. The decline of bitcoin seems to be continuing unabated, since...
“What’s been bothering the market is the speed with which they’re going up”, analyst Patrick O’Hare said of higher Treasury yields. And the Dow Jones was down 665 points on Friday alone. That was the worst point drop since the blue-chip...
U.S. stocks fell at the open on Friday due to disappointing earnings reports from blue-chip companies and as a robust United States jobs report boosted bond yields and bolstered expectations that the pace of interest rates hikes could pick up.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) found in its latest monthly jobs report that the economy started the year by adding 200,000 new jobs. The unemployment rate held steady at 4.1%, its lowest level since December 2000, for the fourth straight month. Average hourly earnings of...
However, the barometer 30-scrip Sensitive Index (Sensex) of the BSE closed below the 36,000-mark at 35,965.02 points – down 68.71 points or 0.19 per cent from its previous close.