The California Air Resources Board rejected Volkswagen’s recall proposals for its 2.0 liter diesels, and the federal Environmental Protection Agency agreed the plan was not acceptable.
The Wall Street Journal reports the chain will be shuttering its stores on February 8 for a few hours to hold a national employee meeting to discuss its response to issues with E. coli and food safety.
“Mr. Mueller’s comments are disturbing, especially in light of the company’s continued lack of cooperation with our investigation, and they underscore the importance of our inquiry as well as the investigations launched by other regulators”, Jepson said in...
Following an outbreak in California last August, dozens have reported illness after diving into burritos in nine states, with episodes of salmonella and norovirus as well as E. coli.
In addition to the ongoing, well-publicized, nine-state E. coli o26 outbreak that sickened 53 people in October and early November, another cluster of five illnesses in three states caused by a different strain of E. coli O26 occurred in late November.
Walmart to close 269 stores: Walmart (WMT) will close 269 stores around the world in a strategic move to focus more on its supercenters and e-commerce business, the company said Friday.
U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Wednesday called for China to play “a special role” in strengthening sanctions against North Korea to punish it for its latest nuclear test in violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions.
Apple, the maker of iPad and iPhone, has sought permission from the government to open single brand retail stores and also enter the e-commerce business in the country. The US tech giant’s move stems from the government’s liberalisation of foreign direct investment...
Volkswagen’s plan to clean up its 2.0-liter diesel-powered cars is “incomplete, substantially deficient and falls far short of meeting the legal requirements”, the California Air Resources Board said today.
It is not all doom and gloom for the company if you consider that the server division is expected to report growth, as it has had an encouraging quarter due to the increased demand for enterprise server.
“This report demonstrates the importance of triggering a revolution in the plastics industrial ecosystem”, Dominic Waughray of the World Economic Forum said in a statement, “and is a first step to showing how to transform the way plastics move through our...