In Rep. Levin’s TPP study, released yesterday, he argues that the trade deal fails to clarify exactly what constitutes currency manipulation, nor does it offer meaningful protections, though the authors do applaud increased transparency about monetary practices by the...
Saudi Arabia and a number of Arab countries severed relations with Iran after the ransacking of the Saudi embassy in Tehran this week by angry mobs protesting the execution of Shiite cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr by Riyadh.
Saudi Arabia may be forced to devalue its currency after announcing a harsh austerity budget with spending cuts, privatisations, and hikes in taxes and prices of fuel, gas feedstock and electricity, which combined to add further pressure on global crude oil prices.
Saudi Arabia also announced plans to shrink the record state budget deficit with spending cuts and a drive to raise revenues from sources other than oil.
The picture is similarly gloomy on Wall Street, with the SP 500 losing 2.4 per cent on Thursday, with 40 per cent of the stocks in the benchmark trading 20 per cent or more off of their highs, the definition of a bear market.
A lower currency on the other hand will support the country’s export sector, which, thanks to rising land and labor costs, is not as competitive as it used to be.
In reaction to that, the freely-traded off-shore yuan dropped to 6.6915 versus the greenback, its weakest level going back to the last quarter of 2010, resulting in a record spread between the on-shore and off-shore exchange rates. That was the biggest daily decline since last...
Mark Klein of Cargill, which operates the mine says they are still assessing what caused the elevator to stop while the miners were descending into the salt mine.
Students who had appeared for CAT on November 29th, 2015, were in for a surprise in the wee hours today. In the evening, the results of this fiercely competitive examination were put on the website as well.
Overnight, European shares fell sharply, while USA stocks ended 2% lower after China allowed the biggest fall in the yuan in five months, and trade in Shanghai stocks was halted for the second time this week. The stock circuit breaker responsible has since been abandoned by...
“Tales from the Crypt” will feature original and new stories – all executive produced by Shyamalan (“The Visit”, “Sixth Sense”) and his Binding Edge Pictures partner Ashwin Rajan.
Since 2014, the government has been deporting Central Americans at a higher rate, averaging about 14 flights a week, U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said in a prepared statement Monday.