Being the Chairman of Las Vegas Sands, one of the world’s biggest gambling operators, and a staunch supporter of the Republican Party, Sheldon Adelson is no stranger to the USA media scene.
Based on adjusted after-tax income, Statistics Canada says that Canadians in the highest income decile accounted for 23.7% of total after-tax income in the country in 2013, which is virtually unchanged from 2000.
Earlier, state government reportedly sought a “confidential” report from Intelligence Department on the news that two stone-laden trucks arrived in Ayodhya. Opposition members entered the well of the house to protest the VHP’s action, shouting “stop...
In recent years, China has been calling for the yuan to be accorded the same acceptance at the global level as the USA dollar and the euro. Adopting the yuan can bring discounts on Chinese imports, with some Chinese suppliers willing to strip out their own respective risks...
“Even rational and informed consumers could potentially be given reason to pause when choosing Chipotle over the plethora of fast casual competition in the marketplace”, Ivankoe told investors in his research note.
Afghanistan’s new parliament building is on the verge of completion and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is all set to inaugurate it, Tolo News reported on Sunday.
Miss Colombia Ariadna Gutierrez is mistakenly crowned Miss Universe 2015 during the 2015 MISS UNIVERSE show at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino, in Las Vegas, California, on December 20, 2015. Miss Germany came to Miss Colombia’s defense after the show and threw major...
14 that recreational users of unmanned aerial systems (UAS), or drones, must register their systems with the federal government via a new website. According to industry estimates, as many as 400,000 small UAS could be sold during the holidays.
The FDA conducted a traceback investigation of the FDA-regulated ingredients used in the chicken salad to try to determine which ingredient was linked to illness, but the traceback did not identify a common source of contamination, according to the CDC.