While Miyamoto was “quick to deny” rumors of a Netflix-produced live-action Zelda series, Nintendo is determinedly shifting direction as an entertainment company in order to keep up with changing audience demands. Miyamoto has waded in movie pitches over the years and...
But Grossu, who is the director for the Center for Human Dignity at the Family Research Council, said watching the unedited versions don’t change the context.
The St. Louis Rams head to Nashville on Sunday night for the second game on their preseason slate, a primetime matchup against the Tennessee Titans that will mark longtime Titans coach Jeff Fisher’s first return to his former stomping grounds. It went about as poorly as it...
With “Straight Outta Compton” nearing $100 million at the box office and receiving critical praise, it’s no surprise that studio execs were looking for a way to team up with Cube and Jackson.
A man named David Reynolds created the first ever IRL first person shooting game – and then invited unsuspecting people on Chatroulette to play it. Considering that the live feed was transmitting to a zombie with a router no further than 30 feet away and you have a Youtube...
“We wanted to explore that four- or five-week time frame where Rick was asleep and allow the audience to see the events that would lead up to the disintegration of society – and specifically to use the backdrop of a major city as things begin to fall apart”,...
This wild video released by the Westwood Police Department shows a truck getting absolutely obliterated by a low-clearance railroad bridge, which is only 10 feet and 6 inches high.