For now, the live broadcast feature is only available for iOS and it is expected that soon it would be released for Android users as well. The social network first introduced a pilot program that allowed celebrities to broadcast video in real-time back in August; yesterday it...
Lauren Cohan, who you may know as Maggie on The Walking Dead shocked us all when she arrived at Madison Square Garden on December 11 for the iHeartRadio Jingle Ball in NY! That would certainly establish Negan as the scariest villain in Walking Dead history. The 33-year-old...
“Star Wars: The Force Awakens” – the eagerly anticipated next chapter of the film series unmatched in merchandising and cultural impact – began showing Thursday night at Joliet-area cinemas. It is expected to be one of the most successful movies in...
But one administration official stated the brand new procedures ought to assist clear up confusion about how far the Department of Homeland Security might go in monitoring the social media exercise of visa candidates.
Managers at the Aurora Cineplex in Roswell predict “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” will be the biggest premiere in this theater’s history, but with all that hype, they’ll need to enforce some rules for safety.
Even Donald Trump has tried to trump Drake’s viral “Hotline Bling” music video. The results are hilarious as it makes it look like the president was copying the rapper’s epic dance moves.
Film legend George Lucas has appealed to Star Wars fans to keep their light-sabers and blasters holstered in order not to cause alarm following the Paris terror attacks. Norwich Stars Wars Club UK president Richard Walker, 66 confirmed they had been asked not to take their...
Speaking on the condition of anonymity, two top federal law enforcement officials said Monday that Tashfeen Malik talked about joining the Islamic extremist terrorist group before she and her husband, Syed Rizwan Farook, opened fire at the Inland Regional Center during a...