The Indian Space Research Organisation gave the country another proud moment after it successfully tested indigenous mini space shuttle, the Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV), and demonstrated its space prowess.
Japanese comedian Tomoaki Hamatsu, known by the stage name Nasubi, scaled Mount Everest on Thursday, according to an official of Nepal’s Tourism Ministry. He describes it as his “greatest opportunity”.
Sales targets are also important, most notably how many Model X cars the company is building each week. The CEO added that the interest in Model 3 “surprised even us”, without offering a precise number.
It’s more focused on creating “exclusive real estate” online and in physical retail stores to enable customers to discover indie games that are otherwise easily passed over.
Going by “Darbian” on YouTube, the record-setter casually flies through the NES game, chatting with virtual onlookers throughout the video, recorded this week. It took years to shave off half a second from the world record.
The 52-year-old is due to leave the International Space Station after 340 days together with his colleague Mikhail Kornienko and catch a ride back to Earth on a Russian Soyuz spacecraft.
The 22-year-old was tasked with the hard challenge of marking Alexis Sanchez, and although he received an early booking, he manged to keep the Chilean star relatively quiet during the match.
Clinton’s victory was so striking that, according to exit polls of voters, she won even among those who most valued a candidate’s honesty and caring – two groups that had sided strongly with Sanders in votes earlier this month. Both campaigns will use this as an...