This period is often rounded up to 365 and a quarter days – although even the Greek astronomer Hipparchus realised over 2,000 years ago that this was a generous approximation – and so to keep our years aligned and reassuringly predictable, a leap day is added to the...
“If you think about the technology problems from the study in the context of conversations around autonomous vehicles, the industry clearly has more work to do to secure the trust of consumers”, said Stephens. For the fifth year running, Toyota’s luxury brand...
“And we need these laws to be written by Congress. We, therefore, agree wholeheartedly with Apple that the right place to bring this discussion is here, to the House of Representatives and the Senate so the people who are elected by the people can make these...
Tech companies like Google and WhatsApp have backed Apple, and so have human rights groups like Amnesty International. In this case it ordered Apple to co-operate with the Federal Bureau of Investigation to hack into Farook’s iPhone. “It’s a case of domestic...
The cease-fire aims to bring representatives of the Syrian government and the opposition back to the negotiating table in Geneva for talks on a political transition.
A shareholder proposal to force Apple to increase diversity among its board and senior management was rejected on Friday. Yes, it was boring and tiresome and scripted.
He told a House panel on Thursday that the code Apple will write will be for the specific iPhone 5c used by deceased San Bernardino terror suspect Syed Farook. However, many USA politicians and the security services say that Apple should help.
As the Samsung Galaxy S7 will release on March 11 we know that some readers are trying to decide whether to upgrade from the S6, and the video that we’ve embedded below this article gives some interesting insight on this.
The proposal failed 94.9% to 5.1%, the Guardian reported, citing an announcement at Apple’s annual shareholder meeting on Friday. Yes, it was boring and tiresome and scripted. However, the Cupertino-based company is still tight-lipped about the progress of the said project.
After the release of the Samsung Galaxy S7 edge+ people were surprised because they were expecting it later in the year, but with the extra-sized 5.5-inch screen on the S7 edge, perhaps it’s not even needed.
A spokesman said: “The government’s request here creates an unprecedented burden on Apple and violates Apple’s First Amendment rights against compelled speech”.
I still think Apple will eventually lose this whole thing, but hearing Tim Cook say they will take it all the way to the Supreme Court at least reassures me he is willing to take it all the way.
Dianne Feinstein, D-California, a senior member of the Judiciary Committee. Dean Heller, a Republican, said Nevadans should have a voice in approving a selection – which his aides said meant the next president, not Obama, should fill the vacancy.