The first positive case of Zika virus has been confirmed in Putnam County. “As CDC guidance has evolved, we actually have expanded access to testing for people who had not met that agency’s initial testing criteria”. The primary concern of public health...
The Congress party on Saturday termed one year of the Arvind Kejriwal government as a “complete failure” and said the ruling party in Delhi had been “finding excuses not to work” betraying those who elected it to office.
The Court put a “stay” on the Clean Power Plan, but did not issue any opinion or make any determination on whether the Clean Power Plan is legal under the Clean Air Act. The union members rallied against proposed EPA Clean Power Plan rules, which the union claims will...
There are conflicting reports as to whether the smoke is toxic; the EPA claims there is no toxicity whereas a published report early this morning said Somerset County officials did characterize the smoke as toxic.
“Ultimately as an integrated carrier we have a lot of incentive to (add) any new technology (to our) footprint, particularly if that 5G for fixed usage has better economics than fiber in certain locales”.
Gravitational waves – tiny ripples in the fabric of space-time first proposed by Albert Einstein a century ago – have been directly observed for the first time, a team of scientists announced this morning. Scientists finally detected those waves at a pair of...
But the finding had to be verified, using such means as conventional telescopes, before the scientists could say with confidence it was a gravitational wave.