The joint NASA-European ocean surveillance satellite named Jason-3 is poised for blastoff from SpaceX’s California launch pad on Sunday, Jan. 17 – followed immediately by another Falcon 9 rocket recovery landing on a barge at sea. It was a near miss.
The smartphones covered under the order include Samsung’s Galaxy Nexus, Galaxy Note, Galaxy Note2, Galaxy S2, Galaxy S2 Skyrocket, Galaxy S3 and Stratosphere products. Now, the tech giants have been joined by legal experts and nonprofit organizations in supporting Samsung...
Nicholas Freestone performed Bowie’s Life on Mars at St Albans Cathedral in England soon after hearing the singer had died following an 18 month battle with cancer.
Almost five hours into Friday’s spacewalk, Kopra, 52, reported that his helmet pad was damp and a ball of water had collected in his helmet, prompting NASA to end the mission.
His rivals, to varying degrees, are also promising to crack down and protect the borders – and say they’d vacate Obama’s orders if elected. Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, like many in her party, proposes a more humane “pathway to citizenship”...
Elon Musk’s company first tested the ability of the Falcon 9 to land on a barge a year ago, but the 14-story rocket ran out of hydraulic fluid before it hit the ship and broke into pieces.