Another Powerball drawing failed to produce a victor on Saturday after reaching a staggering $900 million jackpot earlier in the day – by far the largest ever.
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, whose efforts to address homelessness have been criticized by Cuomo’s administration, called Cuomo’s $20 billion plan “a very positive sign”.
The Department of Transportation’s (DOT) revised guidance on automotive technology added, as reported by Autoblog: “This is an area of rapid change, which requires DOT and NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) to remain flexible and adaptable as new...
The questions scientists are trying to answer are fundamental to the universe. It has always remained a matter of discussion as to how this process happened. This, in turn, may confirm the most commonly made hypothesis.
Meanwhile, the Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC) submitted, to the court, a report and chart of the pollution from 2011 to 2015, which revealed that air pollution remain at peak during three periods in Delhi.
Indonesia has been attacked by Islamist militant groups in the past and after receiving threats from the so-called Islamic State(IS) it was on high alert over the new year period.
“The many tens of thousands of years after which the next ice age may commence is very long compared to the appearance of modern human societies and is not worth worrying about compared to immediate concerns about damaging human-caused climate change expected over the...
Several explosions went off and gunfire broke out in the center of the Indonesian capital on Thursday and police said they suspected a suicide bomber was responsible for at least one the blasts.At least seven people have reportedly been killed after several explosions erupted in...
“The timing of Nissan’s on-road autonomous vehicle testing sessions was as planned and consistent with our autonomous vehicle development schedule”, company spokesman Steve Yaeger wrote in an email.
Though Microsoft soon saw the error and tweeted about getting it fixed it soon, Snoop Dogg who is an avid gamer, posted a short video on Instagram, enraging on Bill gates.
Fossils from the biggest ocean-living crocodile ever found have been discovered by scientists in the Tunisian desert. Paleontologists say this massive prehistoric predator would have been more than 30 feet long and likely weighed three tons – the skull alone measured more...
“Since the first Dietary Guidelines were released in 1980, external fat on beef has decreased 81% and 65% of the most popular beef cuts sold at retail are lean, a prime example of beef producers responding to consumers’ nutritional preferences”.