Yesterday (Oct. 28), six Russian women locked themselves in a suite at Moscow’s Institute of Biomedical Problems at the Russian Academy of Sciences for the start of an eight-day experiment simulating the conditions of a space mission.
In yet another instance of rising military tensions between the United States and Russia, the U.S. Navy resorted to launching four armed fighter jets to escort its own aircraft carrier, USS Ronald Reagan after two Russian military planes flew very close to it.
To record gameplay users will simply need to launch the app and select the game they want to record. The app will capture gameplay in 480p or 720p, and once it’s recorded you’ll be able to make basic edits to your footage and upload it to YouTube. Now, Google is...
More than 680,000 migrants have crossed to Europe by sea so far this year, fleeing war and poverty in the Middle East, Africa and Asia, according to the worldwide Organization for Migration.
This was the 189th spacewalk devoted to station assembly and maintenance since construction began in 1998, the fifth so far this year and the first for Kelly and Lindgren.
Terms of the acquisition were not disclosed, but the deal includes essentially all of the Weather Companys assets other than the Weather Channel television station, including, the Weather Channel mobile apps, the Weather Underground website and, perhaps most...
His first pitch to Mets leadoff hitter Curtis Granderson went for a called strike, and the right-hander went on to retire the side in the first inning. “It was hard for me to know what I knew, and to see him compete the way that he competed”.
Oil sands are a few of the highest-cost producers of crude in the world, and have been hard hit by lower prices. Most of these projects need oil to fetch $80 a barrel to be profitable.
Natalia Sharina, the director of the Library of Ukrainian Literature in Moscow, faces up to four years behind bars after the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case against her using the country’s oft-criticized and vaguely defined “extremism” laws.