The panel was hosted by Maisie Williams and Sophie Turner, who play Stark sisters Arya and Sansa respectively, giving Benioff the chance to poke a little fun.
Age-based premiums: now insurers can not charge more than 3 to 1 for the same plan between older and younger adults. Republicans have used “Obamacare” as a derogatory term.
If you think that this is the biggest transaction of the business, you are correct, because it is the highest purchase of a company exclusively focused on the self-driving sector.
However, through legislation passed in 2006, Daylight Saving Time now begins three weeks earlier, on the second Sunday in March, ending on the first Sunday in November.
Over on eBay, you can find variants starting at just $289. “Due to some limits of iris scanning such as speed and accuracy, we have made a decision to add facial recognition to the Galaxy S8”, the Samsung official stated. The rumors and leaks have been surfacing on...
While the affected tech companies have a responsibility to fix issues in their products to protect consumer privacy, there is a huge risk of facing legal and ethical questions by accepting assistance from WikiLeaks.
In fact, the proportion of Catholics among the BJP candidates during the election in Goa (the party did not field candidates in every constituency) nearly matched the 25 percent proportion of Catholics in the state’s population. Officials said vote count was on in 23 of the...
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) on Thursday warned House Republicans that their bill to replace ObamaCare won’t pass in the Republican-controlled Senate in its current state.
The plan faces significant hurdles in Congress. Finally, the bill contains built-in protections for current beneficiaries of the Obamacare exchanges so they don’t feel the rug has been pulled from under them – a feeling familiar to many who lost their plans or doctors...
Late Wednesday, as members of the House Ways and Means Committee were in the midst of a almost 18-hour long markup of Republican’s bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, the chief medical officer for the Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services (CMCS) broke with...