Republican presidential candidates take the stage before the Fox Business Network Republican presidential debate at the North Charleston Coliseum Thursday. The “undercard” debate will include Carly Fiorina, former Gov. Mike Huckabee and former Sen. Rand Paul was...
We all need to take seriously North Korea’s nuclear weapons testing. “They seem to be chiefly aimed at drowning out the South Korean broadcasts so that North Koreans can’t listen to them”, the official added.
New fighters have been confirmed for Wii U Pokemon brawler Pokken Tournament thanks to leaked images from early scans of CoroCoro magazine. Just like the “Tekken” franchise on which the game is inspired from, “Pokken Tournament” will sport an impressive...
“After using Cisco Cloud Consumption, CityMD were surprised to discover employees were using 522 cloud services, with IT only formally supporting 15-20”, Cisco said in its announcement of the new product.
He began his career volunteering time at Leaguepedia (now Esportspedia), quickly rising through the ranks before jumpstarting the League of Legends news section for onGamers. Earlier this month Activision CEO Bobby Kotick announced that he wanted to build “the ESPN of...
The latest figures confirm the global clean energy sector continued to defy predictions that historically low fossil fuel prices across the oil, coal and gas markets would undermine investment in renewables, electric vehicles, and other clean technologies.
In addition to this, developers will also have access to data about how many iOS users got influenced by their marketing campaigns and opened the same app on the Apple TV as well.
Sony has begun cancelling all digital pre-orders for the PS4 version of Hitman after being told by Square Enix that the “configuration of the product… has changed significantly”.
The Apple CEO is hailed by security experts and activists for his stance on privacy – arguing that putting backdoors in encryption to help authorities access users’ data is risky and must be avoided at all costs. “We have also never allowed access to our...
With more than 100 playable characters available, this is like a living (somewhat blocky) encyclopedia to the Marvel Universe. On day one, TT Games is already prepping two new downloadable content packs to add even more MCU action into the fold. While LEGO Dimensions may have had...