With defending champions Chelsea languishing just above the relegation zone of the English Premier League (EPL), mid-fielder Cesc Fabregas has urged his teammates to justify their astronomical wages and start performing like star players.
Mozilla has finally, finally introduced a 64-bit version of Firefox for Windows with the recent release of Firefox 43. Then there is also Firefox 64-bit for Windows, users can choose search suggestions from the all-new bar, along with an on-screen keyboard displayed if you have...
Notably, the agreement sets the maximum corporate fine for violating user privacy to four percent of a company’s worldwide revenue-significantly more than the marginal sums that companies like Facebook and Google have paid in the past. “I am very confident that this...
But T-Mobile did released their own list, and included here are Galaxy Note 4, Galaxy Note 5, the Galaxy S5, Galaxy S6, Galaxy S6 edge, Galaxy S6 edge+ and the Galaxy Tab S2.
Slack was launched a little over two years ago in August 2013 and is a team collaboration system built around keeping a team in touch and keeping this discussion readily searchable by keyword, date or user. Its collaboration service has become a staple of day-to-day work at...
And as can be expected, that didn’t actually drag down many fans’ enthusiasms as most people remained highly interested in the game and are still actively discussing what might happen once it’s released. For most studios, a drought that long would be cause for...
The auto maker officially enrolled in the California Autonomous Vehicle Testing Program and will begin with self-driving Ford Fusion Hybrid sedans. Tesla has said it will be the first automaker to make a commercially viable and safe fully autonomous vehicle, and has vowed to...