At a function in the city to commemorate Tipu’s birth anniversary, Karnad said the airport should have been named after the Mysuru ruler who was born in 1750 at Devanahalli where it (airport) is located instead of Kempe Gowda who was not a freedom fighter.
Apple has an obvious differentiation product strategy in place – marketing the iPad Pro as the ultimate go-to device for creative jobs. This offer is available immediately and is good through December 31, 2015.
The company markets itself to government clients as able to provide a superior phone system – its Secure Call Platform – that allows for broad monitoring and recording of calls.
Although the market seems quite certain of a hike this time around, a few analysts say that the pace and size of subsequent hikes are where the major variances in Wall Street guesses lie. “Prudence alone suggests that, since the goals of policy have been met, we should be...
Alibaba started the “11.11 Global Shopping Festival” six years ago to leverage the fledgling tradition, but with much smaller ambitions – to raise awareness of online shopping in China.
But stateside, the franchise has been more of a niche title, amassing a fan following due to its devotion to old-school RPG aesthetics, but never rising to the popularity level of one time competitor Final Fantasy. The 3DS version released in Japan 2013. It’s little wonder,...