It features the Apple-designed A8 chip for enhanced performance for engaging games and custom content apps for the TV. Another cool feature lets you say “what did she say” and the Apple TV takes it back a few seconds and turns on the captions temporarily.
Interestingly, DISH’s recent filing states how the planned Charter-Time Warner Cable merger would not be favorable for the public, similar to the one proposed between Comcast-Time Warner Cable.
The research by the University of Cambridge and funded partly by the Internet search giant, has found that although Google develops regular patch for its Android security loopholes, consumers, regulators, and corporate buyers don’t know which vendor will supply those...
It was developed in part at the company’s Foundry incubator in Palo Alto, Calif. This means that if you conduct a call or send a text from your connected device – like a smartwatch or tablet – it’ll appear to the recipient from the same number as your...
The paper, by Daniel R. Thomas, Alastair R. Beresford, and Andrew Rice, reveals a major disconnect between the Android OS providers and the device manufacturers.
So whether you’re up for a leisurely jaunt through the English countryside, a wander through the busy backstreets of Bangkok, a quick look at the view from the southern tip of Africa, or any number of curated adventures available right here, with Cardboard pressed up...
The Japanese auto giant said that it aimed to sell over 30,000 fuel cell vehicles around or after 2020 and added that it would eliminate carbon dioxide emissions by 2050 by using renewable energy and hydrogen-based production methods.