Describing it as “a first of its kind optically transparent glass printing process”, the Mediated Matter Group at MIT’s Glass Lab developed G3DP -Glass 3D Printing.
Mozilla on Friday spelled out major changes to one of Firefox’s strengths – its deep ecosystem of add-ons – that will make it easier for developers to port Google Chrome extensions to Firefox. “In addition, we’ve noticed that many Firefox add-on...
OpenStack company Mirantis opines that a technological and financial alliance with Intel Corporation (NASDAQ:INTC) that includes an investment of $100m will greatly boost the open-source cloud project by accelerating the introduction of additional enterprise features.
The nozzle that extrudes the material is made of ceramic and heated by hand to ensure that the filament is produced at a consistent diameter – necessary for making sure the 3D printed glass cools in a slow and controlled manner.
We’ve all been waiting for Android Pay to officially launch and it could be as soon as 26 August, in the US at least, if details from McDonald’s prove to be true.
The list goes on and on. At least, not by privacy concious customers anyhow. Reading rants about Windows 10 privacy on Facebook is particularly ironic. Enhanced multitasking functions made it much easier for users to run multiple programs smoothly, a thing we may take for granted...
A third-year student of a top DU college took a photo of the man who allegedly passed obscene comments at her, even as dozens of commuters reportedly remained mute spectators to the abuse.
Swatch is taking a relatively cautious approach to the smartwatch market, in an effort to avoid directly competing against the Apple Watch, Motorola Moto 360, and other smartwatches.
Windows 95 allowed you to manage files, folders and applications by simply interacting with icons presented in Windows Explorer, the successor to File Manager.