According to the LeT’s plan, if the strike at the gathering could not be executed as planned, the terrorists were asked to eliminate a high-value target in Delhi or Jammu and Kashmir which could have “political and communal ramifications”, the report added.
For them, Mayor Emanuel “demonstrated a willful ignorance when he talked about the murder charges against the police officer who shot Mr. McDonald, seeking to depict the cop as a rogue officer”.
Black Friday 2015 announcements and leaks is finally in the books, but that was like a drop of water when we were sharing stuffs on internet with the population rather Last week, you might remember that Walmart started putting up 10 new deals every day leading up to Black Friday....
However, in a newly released video, MTV News went back to Avecedo who now says that the kids she saw weren’t doing anything out of the ordinary, and that she does not recall hearing anyone say “burn America”.
It is important to note that its customer database does not contain any credit card information and VTech does not process nor store any customer credit card data on the Learning Lodge website.
“Yesterday, a video taped outside of a Boston nightclub showed a young brash and irate version of Jahlil Okafor, the 6’10” 271 pound rookie center sensation for the Philadelphia 76ers.
Digital toymaker VTech Holdings Ltd said on Tuesday that data on about 6.4 million children was exposed in a hack of information on customers in more than a dozen countries.
At least five police officers said in their reports 17-year-old McDonald was aggressively moving toward the police officers with a knife when he was shot.
Bernie Sanders (I-VT) called for anyone connected to the coverup of the police killing of Laquan McDonald to resign. Officers said at the time that the 17-year-old lunged at them with a knife, but the video released last week shows that McDonald was walking away at the time he...
According to Tim May of the Columbus Dispatch, Meyer stated through a school spokesperson this morning that he has no interest in any coaching jobs other than the one he has now at Ohio State.
Late Friday, the city released the police reports filed after the October 2014 killing of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald. The officer continued shooting McDonald after he crumpled to the ground and was barely moving.