Sure, seeing with your own eyes can be beneficial this Black Friday but if you really want to get a good deal then you need to do your research carefully before deciding.
Four Balkan governments, led by Slovenia, enacted measures on November 17 blocking access for refugees and migrants that could not prove citizenship from Syria, Afghanistan or Iraq, on the grounds that any migrants from outside these countries are ‘economically motivated’.
Shoppers are expected to have spent more than £3 billion by the time Cyber Monday ends, after the American phenomenon of Black Friday led to an online surge as customers were inspired to bag bargains. “Some deals, like a 40” HDTV for less than $180 were out of stock...
Minneapolis Black Lives Matter protesters paused on Thursday to share a community Thanksgiving Day meal on the spot outside a police station where they have been demonstrating for more than a week over the fatal police shooting of an unarmed black man.
In the ad which replaced the propaganda forum of the active ISIS website, GhotSec hackers said: “Too Much ISIS”. The further away from the “vanilla” Internet ISIS goes, the less people its message will reach.
On at least 20 occasions in Van Dyke’s 14-year career, citizens have filed complaints against Van Dyke, according to the Citizens Police Data Project, a database of misconduct complaints filed against more than 8,500 Chicago police officers.