Masked men opened fire on demonstrators participating in that vigil on Monday, a Black Lives Matter Minneapolis official said. “They have called for peace and a cessation of protests for Jamar’s sake and the safety of the community”.
Large stars that have come near their end start expanding dramatically to form mammoth red structures. As it does so, it is constantly losing large amounts of dust and gas as it expands and expels mass. Eventually, the hypergiant will explode in a violent supernova, collapsing on...
The jury’s verdict came in the third week of the trial of Derek Medina in the August 2013 killing of 27-year-old Jennifer Alfonso. In a text message to a friend that morning, Alfonso said she “felt like ripping his face off” and was “about to...
A night after a shooting near a Minneapolis protest that left five people injured, hundreds of demonstrators at the same site quietly milled around, sharing coffee, pizza and doughnuts, and stacking up firewood.
Wronski-Riley said that at this point the men “turned around and without warning and started shooting at us… everything was super chaotic”. Authorities raided the man’s Bloomington home and seized a dozen weapons. After the shooting, the white men fled in...
A night after a shooting near a Minneapolis protest that left five people injured, hundreds of demonstrators at the same site quietly milled around, sharing coffee, pizza and doughnuts, and stacking up firewood. More gunshots were heard on Tuesday night. Protesters then huddled...
The December 6, 2014 march stemmed from the choice days earlier by grand juries in NY City and Ferguson, Missouri, to not criminally cost police officers for killing unarmed, black males, the grievance stated. Dang said she was jabbed with batons, struck with tear gas and forced...
Microsoft corporate vice president, Kudo Tsunoda speaks about the Oculus and XBox one partnership during the Microsoft Xbox E3 press conference at the Galen Center on June 15, 2015 in Los Angeles, California. Angry Birds: Star Wars for the Nintendo 3DS and Call of Duty: Ghosts...
“I have no comment on that”, Fisher said, according to The Orlando Sentinel. The news of a million dollar buyout is flying around the LSU community and making national headlines.
A chilling video of masked men dressed in military fatigues is generating new attention after five people were shot in Minneapolis Monday during a Black Lives Matter demonstration over the fatal shooting of 24-year-old Jamar Clark by police.