Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson is seeking to fire seven officers for allegedly falsifying information in the Laquan McDonald shooting, CPD spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said Thursday.
Upon examination, it was determined the girl had been zip-tied to her bed as punishment (by her mother and her mother’s boyfriend) and that she believed her name to be “idiot”.
However, people convicted of terrorism and other crimes against the state as well as murder, domestic violence, and sexual abuse are not eligible for release under the decree. “The crimes committed after July 1, 2016 are outside its scope”, Bozdag said on Twitter.
A Sage employee has been arrested at Heathrow Airport in relation to a data breach against the Newcastle-headquartered software giant which took place earlier this week. However, Sage, a supplier of accounting and payroll software, began notifying customers about the breach last week.
Of 10 officers who were investigated over their roles in the McDonald shooting, seven were accused of making false reports or false statements, police spokesman Frank Giancamilli said in a phone interview on Thursday.
Gulen denies involvement in the coup attempt and has denounced it. He also said 4,262 companies and institutions with links to Gulen have been shut. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has blamed Gulen, an elderly Muslim cleric living in Pennsylvania, for fomenting the failed...
The 86-year-old’s fund, Soros Fund Management LLC, disclosed in a regulatory filing it had increased its bet against the S&P 500, the main index used to measure big-stock performance in the USA, and holds put options on roughly four million shares in an exchange-traded...