Baby warning for couples over spread of zika virus
Amid concerns over the rapid spread of the Zika virus, Jamaica confirmed Saturday the virus had spread to its shores, and Colombia reported more than 2,000 pregnant women have been infected.
Public health officials said that the best way to protect yourself is to avoid mosquito bites, so to use mosquito repellent, wear long clothing and ensure that the nets are installed at the gates and windows.
The illness itself is generally mild, Taylor said.
At least half of Legacy’s patients come from countries considered high-risk for infection by the CDC, so doctors at Legacy screen anyone who travels there.
The virus, for which there is still no vaccine or treatment, is mosquito-borne and linked to brain damage in thousands of Brazil’s infants.
Zika virus is believed to cause neurological problems like microcephaly, a condition of abnormally small head in babies.
Seminars and informational classes for pregnant women across Central and South America hope to keep the Zika virus at bay.
So far there have been 31 confirmed cases in 11 states all from returning travelers that did not originate here. She tells us, “Just because we don’t know so much”. A causal relationship between Zika virus infection and birth defects and neurological syndromes has not been established, but is strongly suspected. Health officials say they’ll be on alert come spring. “It’s only transmitted by the Aedes species of mosquito”, he said, which is found in the affected regions of Latin America, Africa and Southeast Asia.
“If you are not traveling outside of the USA you don’t have the risk of Zika as of yet”, Dr. Mangla said.
“Not everyone who’s infected is symptomatic”.
“Only about 20 to 25 per cent of people infected with the virus develop symptoms, which can include fever, headache, conjunctivitis or pink eye, rash and joint or muscle pain”.
“The ministry has been working proactively with regards to Zika and Dengue virus”, she said.