Ben Carson Won’t Rule Out Donald Trump As Running Mate
Quinnipiac said that in hypothetical presidential matchups in the November 2016 election, Biden would fare better than Clinton against several possible Republican contenders.
Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley and former Virginia Sen.
The former president (1993-2001) denied a rumor that he urged Trump to run for president.
Carson, on the other hand, also explained his comments the day before. Sanders trailed with 19 percent of the vote.
But both front-runners still face a long road to their party’s nomination. “In tight races with Gov. Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina and Sen”. According to Public Policy Polling, as of this week, Carson is in second place (behind Trump) in the Republican field, with the backing of 17% of the potential GOP electorate. Carson gets 18 percent, with 13 percent for Kasich, 11 percent for Cruz, 10 percent for Fiorina, 7 percent for Rubio and 4 percent for Bush. That means just 49% is divvied up and shared among the other 12 candidates. And why is he leading the field of Republican presidential candidates? In Florida, Clinton came out on top with 46 percent to Trump’s 42 percent, while in Ohio, the margin was even smaller, with Clinton at 43 percent and Trump at 42 percent.
“Rubio when they ran for office in the Sunshine State, are deserting the establishment candidates for the outsiders – specifically Trump and Carson”, Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac Poll, said in a prepared statement that accompanied Wednesday’s results. “When you look at cable television, a lot of the programs are 100 percent Trump, so why would you need more Trump during the commercial breaks?” Instead, Rubio said, he wanted a solution that would have put “men and women in a position where they can win”. “If you look at the first debate, a lot of those guys were competing for who could be the most politically correct on the answers”. Almost 60 percent of voters surveyed in each state said they have an unfavorable opinion of Trump.
About a week before his gun shows the Westfair marquee usually advertises for him as well but a Westfair board member said that because Clinton’s campaign was here this week and she rented the space too, they chose not to promote the gun show until Thursday night. Although they have been considered to have strong leadership qualities, several people think they are not honest or trustworthy, as stated in the poll. Florida Republicans favor Trump by 28 to 16 percent for Carson, with Rubio at 14 percent. Bush says the Federal Bureau of Investigation needs more resources to fight back against the onslaught of cybercrime.
The poll surveyed voters from September 25 to October 5 on land lines and cell phones.
1,049 Pennsylvania voters with a margin of error of +/- 3 percentage points.