Benghazi-related emails raise a question for Trump team
Associated Press: Many donors to Clinton Foundation met with her at State – “More than half the people outside the government who met with Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state gave money – either personally or through companies or groups – to the Clinton Foundation”.
An e-mail that Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton sent nearly four months after she left the State Department was partially redacted before being publicly released, raising questions about whether she conveyed classified information as a private citizen.
For now, Trump’s erratic, shoot-from-the-lip campaign style has given the Clintons little reason to do anything drastic.
“At this time, we have not confirmed that the documents are, in fact, responsive, or whether they are duplicates of materials already provided to the Department by former Secretary Clinton in December 2014”. However, she complained that Clinton would take her unsecure BlackBerry everywhere, even the “shower”. Band passed it on to Abedin. “Having said that, it’s pretty clear she’s got a wide circle that surrounds her that by all appearances is unwilling to stand up and tell her, ‘This is a bad idea'”. Her parents were scholars – her father from India and her mother from Pakistan. If Mrs. Clinton wins, it could prove a target for her political adversaries. She worked for Clinton in the Senate and worked for her Senate campaign. And so it will be if she ends up as president.
Yet now he and his wife are under attack for their good works, accused by Donald Trump of “pay for play”: using the Clinton Foundation as a way of extorting money from wealthy donors in return for government favors from the secretary of state.
Of course there are also less serious, highly partisan individuals who have called for the Clinton Foundation to shut down. Terms like “Clinton Foundation”, “email server”, and “Benghazi” hover around her like a faint smoke that hints at the existence of fire. She gets it, she just doesn’t care. Did they distort U.S. policy when she was Secretary of State?
Clinton’s praise for the population-control queen Sanger isn’t her only questionable connection to bigotry.
Democrats continue to find this gobsmacking, but it’s nothing new. One picture accidentally appeared on his Twitter account. Even the New York Times could not ignore the obvious if well-concealed bribe of the “cattle trades” orchestrated by a businessman with interests in the state.
That time, Abedin again stood by his side and gave remarks at a press conference. Clinton may have been close to the mark when she said last week, “I know there’s a lot of smoke, and there’s no fire”. “It was not an easy choice in any way, but I made the decision that it was worth staying in this marriage”.
Now Hillary’s scandals are fully hers. The AP, however, deserves no credit for the false tweet that it used to promote the resulting story, which covered her first two years in office.
After Trump attacked Clinton at a rally in MS where he called her a “bigot” who “sees people of color only as votes, not as human beings”, Clinton told CNN’s Anderson Cooper Trump is “taking a hate movement mainstream” and suggested Trump has “courted” white supremacists. In 1996, Abedin, then the assistant editor, published an article in the journal titled “Women’s Rights Are Islamic Rights”, which argued in the words of Post reporter Paul Sperry, “single moms, working moms and gay couples with children should not be recognized as families”.
“The kind of people that were around her were yes people”, Fabiani said.
The paper discusses the current plans for the foundation if Clinton becomes president, including the reduction in donations from big corporations and foreign governments and the plans for Bill to resign from the foundation’s board.