Bernie Sanders rally rocks Tucson
An estimated 10,000 people gathered at Potts Field on the University of Colorado’s East Campus on Saturday to hear Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders speak about his proposals for presidency.
Law has been mounting a challenge to Congressman Donald Norcross in New Jersey’s first congressional district for 2016, and has made his support for Senator Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) bid in the presidential primaries a staple of his campaign’s early days. Income inequality, according to Sanders requires a multi-faceted approach in which he proposes the following reforms: eliminating tuition at state owned universities, raising the minimum wage to $15.00 per hour, providing almost free health care to all, and an ambitious agenda on climate change. This could be a potential liability for Sanders tonight as he squares off against Clinton.
Sanders and his wife bought 85 acres in Vermont after he graduated in 1964 for 2,500 U.S. dollars and while Sanders is loath to talk about his personal story, he acknowledges that he and his brother had always dreamed of living in Vermont after seeing pictures in a travel brochure. Then he catches himself.
It kind of is though, I remember thinking.
Check back with Knight news for continued debate coverage. Sanders has successfully tapped into the increasing anger of the American People over the rigged capitalist system that favors the 1%, corporate welfare and an oligarchy that is threatening democracy and the planet itself.
“I’m not anxious about it”, he said. And you know what’s this election’s about? It was not until he was given a dressing down by Garrison Nelson a professor in Vermont on how he needed to tone down his rhetoric in order to start a political revolution.
Then he dives right in, and it turns out the Jewish thing looms large, at least in a cultural-political way.
Jane Sanders, was born in Brooklyn and lived only a few blocks from the man who would be her future husband. In an era of big money in politics he has refused to take a cent, and going up against one of the most dominant forces in politics in Hillary Clinton he has yet to bat an eye. Schultz told The Daily Caller that “tonight I’m a spokesperson for the Sanders campaign”.
For Martino, Sanders’ greatest attribute is that he is not Clinton-who, he said is “too mainstream, neoliberal”. It’s certainly more ethnic and cultural than religious – except for his devotion to the ethical part of public life in Judaism, the moral part.
The verbiage around Sanders involves a dynamic leader, a non-Republican who brings liberal and socialist ideas to the table, participants said.
“The occasion also played to the prophetic side of Sanders – the register in which he can sound like an Old Testament preacher”. Sanders floated hippie-friendly proposals, such as legalizing all drugs and widening the entrance ramps of interstate highways to allow cars to more easily pull over to pick up hitchhikers. Staring at the crowd, he quoted the Hebrew Bible, his fist punctuating almost every word: “‘Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream'”. But his outrage was unmuffled.
Still left unanswered: Which kibbutz helped shape Sanders in the mid-1960s?