Biden to open effort to fight cancer Friday at University of Pennsylvania
Biden compared the effort to President John F. Kennedy’s call to go to the moon. When he formally decided not to seek the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination in October of past year, he said had he run he “would have wanted to have been the president that ended cancer”.
“Tonight, the President tasked me with leading a new, national mission to get this done”, Biden wrote on Medium. “To accelerate our efforts to progress towards a cure, and to unleash new discoveries and breakthroughs for other deadly diseases”. “If Joe Biden is up for it, I hope he has support to move forward with research”.
We agree with the vice president that cancer organizations and institutions have an obligation to advance the research by pooling our expertise and working together to bring the benefits of the science to patients as quickly as possible – especially those patients suffering from aggressive and metastatic forms of cancer. “They don’t feel that primal fear”.
Vice President Joe Biden appeared surprised at getting a shout out – and new assignment – during Tuesday night’s State of the Union. Radiotherapy can cure cancer of the voice box and thyroid cancer. The vast majority of Hodgkin’s lymphomas can be sent into remission.
These are part of treatments for cancers that are no longer necessarily considered a death sentence. “It’s not just about developing game-changing treatments-it’s about delivering them to those who need them”, Biden said. “It’s just that it’s not a cure at this point, but there are many cancers that we couldn’t in years past”.
As the product of genetic mutations, each person’s cancer is a bit different. But the hottest frontier is immunotherapy – tapping the body’s immune system to attack tumors, like the drug credited with helping treat former President Jimmy Carter’s advanced melanoma.
“I think some of it also falls on the communities and us as doctors as well”, Dallas said. “We may not know every little stratagem, but we know the enemy and we have a lot of new weapons”. The 6.6 percent increase was the first significant hike in federal cancer research funding in more than a decade and a step toward reversing a backward slide in federal biomedical research investment in real-dollar terms. Finding a cure for this “mortal disease” as Eisenhower called it, has been a real priority for several administrations. A slow, steady wearing down of the opposition is no less a victory over cancer, he said. After seven years of retrenchment in those funds, Neel applauded Obama and a Republican-controlled Congress for making new funds available. “Dr. Soon-Shiong is obviously a highly regarded entrepreneur, very interested in this space”, said Collins, “but the program he talked about…does not involve the NCI or the FDA in a partnership way”.
And finally, to reduce cancer rates, Americans are going to have to listen to science, Brawley said.