Bishops must find, raise their voice against Republican health care proposal
Republicans are divided about how to replace the Affordable Care Act. He knows his bill will punish his supporters; he knows it will require him to break key promises to made to the nation; but at least for now, the president is content to assume he and his team will figure out solutions later.
Price has been a key player in GOP leadership’s efforts to sell their House health care bill to skeptical members.
“In 2026, an estimated 52 million people would be uninsured, compared with 28 million who would lack insurance that year under current law.”
We have more people that we’re covering in this state. But in June 2012 the Supreme Court ruled that states could not be compelled to expand Medicaid. The guy that worked in the coal mine or the guy who’s a self-employed plumber, the person who stands on the concrete floor and lifts heavy things all day, that person is not going to be helped necessarily by this wonderful philosophical plan put forth by the Republicans as hey, this is really great market-based approach – well, delightful. Instead of the federal government mandating insurance, companies would be able to charge a penalty for anyone whose insurance policy has lapsed.
House Speaker Paul Ryan says the changes “modernize Medicaid”. Serious childhood health problems are more likely to be identified early, and those with special needs are more likely to have access to specialists. “You may want a plan that allows this type of hospital to care for you or this type of facility to care for you or this doctor to be on the plan or another doctor to be on the plan or another provider, alternative provider”.
States that accepted federal funding for expansion provide benefits to residents, including childless adults, with income up to 138% of the federal poverty level. And both programs work. Most Republicans are traditional small-government conservatives.
“Medicaid decreased the probability of having an unpaid medical bill sent to a collection agency by 25 percent.”
By seeking to repeal the Affordable Care Act and throw millions off insurance plans it underwrites, Republicans are sending the message that “health care is not a civil right; that it’s a privilege”, California’s freshman Democratic Sen.
“This is not just a financial responsibility; this is a moral responsibility”, Carper said.
Minnesota also has seen more than a 50 percent reduction in the number of uninsured children. And combined with opposition from Republicans of all stripes, the president’s flexible stance suggested final passage of the bill could be delayed, potentially exposing the legislation to the same kind of extended public backlash that undermined former President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act from the start.
These are unconscionable numbers.
The CBO report also said the proposal would cut the federal deficit and average premiums would drop after a few years, but highlighted that some of the most vulnerable demographic groups including the elderly and low-income people would face steep premium hikes. While premiums have risen, especially in Arizona, and that issue must be addressed, according to the GAO, total costs are lower since passage of the ACA, and states have realized budget savings and revenue gains. That’s a lot of money. And younger, wealthier people shopping on the individual marketplaces may see lower rates and higher subsidies.
However, he didn’t specify a single regulation that he would do away with, and the only legislative priorities he identified were removing barriers to the sale of insurance across state lines and reform of the medical malpractice laws, neither of which, according to experts, would have a large impact on the price of coverage.