Bush: US Should only Accept ‘Christian’ Refugees from Syria
The discovery that at least one of the ISIS terrorists who attacked Paris last Saturday entered France by mingling with Syrian refugees fleeing ISIS, has Republicans trying to outdo one another in their xenophobic pronouncements.
Bush’s views on refugees differ from other GOP presidential contenders who have called for an outright ban on accepting any Middle Eastern refugees.
Bush said that the USA should directly arm the Kurdish Peshmerga forces as well as put a large military force on the ground in Syria to directly engage the group known as the Islamic State.
“We are going to fight [Isis] in their backyard or we are going to fight them in our backyard”, he added, arguing thousands of U.S. troops would be needed in Syria and Iraq to “pull the caliphate up by the roots, take back land held by Isil and hold it until Syria repairs itself”. “Lead!”, Bush said when asked to list the steps that should be taken.
Consider that the kind of attacks we saw in Paris would be simple to pull off in the United States, where acquiring all the guns and ammunition you want is easier than getting your hands on a box of Sudafed.
Yes, in the days after 9/11, George W. Bush delivered a speech in which he said that “Islam is peace”.
Clinton suggested “pulling countries off the sidelines so that they work with us and contribute to this ongoing struggle against radical jihadism”.
“I do think its worthy of consideration, for sure”.
“This is not a question of religion”, Bush said. He later apologized for his remarks, admitting that he “did a disservice to the French” in part because French workers average almost 39 hours per week.
Nonetheless, the slip has seen even Democrats distance themselves from Obama’s strategy for tackling Isis. “Hillary Clinton last night said that its not our fight”, Bush said. “It is our fight, and without our leadership to build a coalition to destroy ISIS, it wont happen”. He also called for establishing “safe havens” for Syrians fighting against the regime of Bashar al-Assad. “We should focus our efforts as it relates to the refugees for the Christians that are being slaughtered”.
Republicans will never admit it, but they can not dispute the very inconvenient truth that if the Bush warmongers did not invade and occupy Iraq and destabilize the entire region, there is no such entity as ISIS today, and Friday evening in Paris would be like any other; peaceful and without mass mayhem.
Multiple terrorists carried out coordinated attacks Friday at six locations in Paris, authorities said.
“This is a fight for Western civilization”. We have to be equally so to stand up for our values, to stand up for who we are as a people.