Just days after the loss of her husband, Celine Dion faced another tragedy after her brother, Daniel, passed away after his battle with cancer as well.
The new plan will require federal officials, when weighing land use decisions, to consider how mining and burning coal adds to greenhouse gas pollution, said environmental group sources familiar with the plans.
The move was made after Walmart CEO Douglas McMillon reviewed the company’s 11,600 stores worldwide, analyzing their financial performance and how they fit within the company’s broader plans.
The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) set a slightly weaker mid-point rate for the yuan on Friday, but the fix has been broadly steady for more than a week, signalling a determination to hold the line against expectations of sustained depreciation.
Millennnials in the West of the United States showed the strongest support for President Barack Obama’s final State of the Union address, according to data provided by Yik Yak, a location-based mobile app that is popular with young people.
Besides currency issues, China’s stock markets trade was automatically suspended for the rest of the day only 29 minutes after opening due to a sharp 7 per cent fall. “China is a command economy but you can not have a command stock market”.
The California agency said VW’s recall plan “fell short in several areas” including insufficient detail about proposed repairs for authorities to make a technical evaluation. Third, the proposed plans do not sufficiently address impacts on the engine, the...
Turkish officials identified the bomber as Nabil Fadli, a Syrian national born in Saudi Arabia in 1988, who was fingerprinted in Turkey last week while registering as a refugee with immigration officials.
“I tend to think about lower oil prices on balance as being good news for the world economy, certainly good news for the European economy, maybe modestly good news for the US economy”, he said.
In a statement issued by Pyongyang foreign ministry and carried by its official newspaper Rodong Sinmun, North Korea emphasized again that its H-bomb test was aimed at defending the country’s sovereignty and right to live, rather than exacerbate tensions on the Korean...