On the eve of Diwali, the government will launch important gold-related schemes, including the Gold Monetisation, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced on Sunday, expressing confidence that it will give a new direction to the economic development.
Kellogg Company (NYSE:K) traded down 0.43% on Monday, hitting $71.70. The higher estimate for the short term price target is at $72 while the lower estimate is at $62. This represents a $2.00 annualized dividend and a dividend yield of 2.78%. Kellogg Company’s quarterly...
Across the globe, gross sales at restaurants open a minimum of 13 months improved 4% whilst within the United States of America registered a hike of 0.9%. That should reassure investors that the latest results weren’t a fluke.
In a written statement, Interior Secretary Sally Jewell cited Shell’s decision, the amount of acreage already leased, and “current market conditions” as reasons to hold off on sales for at least the next year and a half. The moves by the Obama administration...
Bharti Airtel, a leading private sector telecom company, announced that the company has divested about 8,300 towers in seven African countries for a consideration of approx United States dollars 1.7 billion.
Activists also claimed the demonstrators were subjected to kettling – a police tactic where groups that police wish to suppress are held in a tight cordon until being allowed to leave one by one.
China’s economy faced a bleak outlook amid mixed data released on Monday – slightly better than expected growth but disappointing investment and output figures – fuelling calls for more intensive policy support to boost economic activity.
Beginning this weekend, all US Airways flights will be American Airlines. This merger grows American Airlines by more than 30 percent, making it the biggest airline in the world. Moreover, many aircraft will still be wearing the US Airways brand, while they await a new American...
The third quarter delivered a profit of US$76 million, compared with US$6.8 billion (RM29.1 billion) a year ago, when Yahoo enjoyed a one-time gain linked to sale of shares in Chinese e-commerce company Alibaba.
Earnings of US airlines have surged in the previous year due to fuel costs plummeting. (DAL) is scheduled to report its third-quarter financial performance before the markets open on Wednesday.
As for the fake Xanax, the Health Department says it’s been supplying needle exchange and drug treatment clinics with supplies of Noloxone, an antidote with can combat Fentanyl. While these patients all thought they were buying Xanax, it turns out that the pills they...