Over the last four quarters, manufacturing productivity increased 1.1 percent, as output increased 2.3 percent and hours increased 1.2 percent. Also year over year, output was up 2.8% and hours worked was up 2.6%.
“We rate RACKSPACE HOSTING INC (RAX) a HOLD”. Stifel Nicolaus cut their price target on shares of Rackspace Hosting from $60.00 to $42.00 and set a “buy” rating on the stock in a report on Tuesday. Rackspace Hosting now has a consensus rating of...
In response to the poor news, Fossil Group shares fell sharply, with the stock losing nearly 6% of its value in the first half-hour of after-market trading following the announcement. The intraday up/down ratio came in at 0.25. The net money flow for the block transaction was...
On an adjusted basis Tata Steel’s consolidated net profit stood at Rs 604 crore against Rs 599.8 crore year-on-year, say analysts. Net profit was boosted by Rs 158-crore earnings shown as exceptional items. However, its revenue fell 17 per cent annually to Rs 29,900 crore...
The Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant disaster was sparked when a tsunami plunged over the plant’s 10-foot-tall wall and damaged equipment, resulting in the release of radioactive material and the evacuation of 300,000 nearby residents. If another atomic accident happened, he...
The local channels showed a purported photograph of Sarathi Baba wearing jeans and a T-shirt, and sporting sunglasses, reportedly in the lobby of a posh Hyderabad hotel.
But the bank’s share price has been sliding for the past week as investors weigh up concerns about how much capital it will need to raise to meet new reserve requirements imposed by the Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority.