Catch up on ‘Star Wars’ with three-minute mash-up
Plus, you’ll be benefiting a whole bunch of good causes handpicked by the stars and crew of Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
And even if you don’t have the Star Wars gear anybody with a suitable smartphone and a Google Cardboard set can enjoy this VR experience through the official app.
However, since the film is now only a couple of weeks away from its official screening, it’s highly doubtful for the production to release another trailer. Google Cardboard is also expected to upload more content regarding Star Wars, while it has been featuring the brand on a number of services.
A report by Tribune revealed how Han Solo will be as the next “Star Wars” installment, “The Force Awakens”, returns this month.
The star admitted he had mixed feelings and was in a “state of shock” when he found out he would be back for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. There’s only one way to find out for sure: download the game for free from the App Store, Google Play or the Amazon Appstore and keep playing.
After 30 years, Harrison Ford meets Han Solo again.
New and essential to the Abrams Star Wars are some up-and-comers as the Galactic Empire transitions into the First Order after its defeat. Two of these are from the dark side. “I’m doing the best job I can during the day and then going home”.
Courtesy of Sploid’s All the Star Wars Vehicles Sized, you can now see how every transport, speeder, and battle station from the first three Star Wars films stacks up. “But he’s still – he’s still the same guy”, Ford said in a television show. I mean, you just can’t believe that this is happening.
Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Dave Franco are among more than 2,500 actors who have auditioned for the role of a young Han Solo.
“I needed to have the same basic approach I always have”, Isaac said earlier this year. “But that can be the hardest thing to do”.