The first trailer has been released for Disney’s upcoming live-action, CGI-enhanced Jungle Book movie, and it’s about as fantastical and exciting as you’d imagine. The story follows a young orphan boy raised in the jungles of India by a pack of wolves and his...
“Game of Thrones” alum Richard Madden has called his fellow British thespian Cara Delevingne “unprofessional” for her now-infamous July interview with “Good Day Sacramento“. Lifestyle, when asked what he thought about the video. Cara...
“It’s the most incredible thing to be happy and secure in something”, he told ET. Considering the two JUST got married in May after nine months of dating, we wouldn’t be surprised if they decide to pop out some little ones ASAP!
With other series, there’s hardly any change at all: Cougar Town remained the same throughout its run, the most noticeable post-move change being that TBS promoted the series more (and with a bigger emphasis on the cul-de-sac crew being booze hounds). I think that’s a...
Bobby Brown sat down for his first interview since the death of his daughter Bobbi Kristina. Brown says he thinks Houston was ready for their daughter to be with the singer “in heaven”. “It’s not easy at all”. “But when God calls you, he calls...
Designer Alexander Wang – who recently left Balenciaga – celebrated his Fashion Week show with pole dancers, Hooters waitresses, a performance by Lil Wayne and Ludacris, and swag that seemed to celebrate pot-smoking. Wang didn’t want to rehash the past, not...
Angry streaming customers in Chicago are fighting back against the so-called “Netflix tax”, filing a lawsuit against the city last Wednesday that could have national implications, the Daily Dot reports.
Lien went into a fit after coming into contact with a crying child who had injured his foot, exposing her breasts and back-end to the child….to calm him down?